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A member registered Jan 29, 2021

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(1 edit)

bc YOU *ARE* the mc... so implying you want an option to be transphobic (which is what "doesn't feel comfortable with that kind of stuff" means) is pretty weird for a game where the trans person IS one of 2 romance options. people are disliking bc of that implication (whether it was intentional on your part or not)

where are the game files? I see people commenting like they're actually able to download the newest update, but there straight up aren't any files for me to select TO download... I've updated itch, I've tried the app AND browser site, many times since the update dropped, and the files just don't exist for me. There isn't anything in the dropdown menu, and clicking install anyway just leads to a "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined" error... it worked just fine prior to the latest update, but has not Existed since the last one came out. is this a glitch with the platform? or what is preventing me from being able to download? I have never run into this issue on any other game, so the fact it's happening on the sequel for my favorite visual novel is genuinely upsetting.